This £5.1m project, won through a design competition, provides additional teaching facilities, a sports hall, drama and dance studios, music school with recording studios, new school dining facilities and an all day coffee bar. In partnership with Acanthus Darbyshire Architects a detailed design was developed and managed on site through a traditional procurement path. The scheme is designed to link 3 existing buildings, completing the enclosure of the courtyard and playground. Due to the constraints of the site, careful programming of the works was required to minimise the disruption to the running of the school. The school governors described the development as providing "the best facilities in the region".
The whole complex had to be accommodated on a tight urban site within a conservation area and within the setting of two listed buildings. The three storey development is orientated around a central three storey entrance hall with open circulation balconies which gives focus and orientation. Traditional materials were chosen to reflect the sensitive nature of the location.